Beginner's Guide to Learning to Drive a Scooter in Bali
When you go to Bali, you’ll find that the easiest and cheapest way to get around is by renting a scooter.
There are no buses, trains, or metros. Some places have banned Gojek and Grab (the Asian version of Uber), leaving you with no other option than to take taxis or hire a private driver. This is not ideal if you’re traveling on a budget, and is even worse if you’re traveling solo, since you don’t get to split the cost with anyone.
The good news is, in countries like Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam, you can usually get away with renting a scooter or motorbike without having a licence. But if you’ve never driven one before, doing it for the first time in Bali can be scary because:
- The traffic is crazy.
- Most of the other motorcyclists on the road are locals who have learned to ride scooters since they were barely out of kindergarten.
Table of Contents
Scooter Lesson with a Local
In my own country, scooters/motorbikes are not uncommon, but I was too lazy never got a chance to learn to drive one because to do that, I’d either have to go to a driving school (which would be expensive), or find someone who would let me borrow their scooter (which is hard, because who would trust someone who’s totally hopeless on the road?)
So, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that in Bali, there are locals who provide basic scooter lessons for very reasonable rates. Ronaldio (Dio) gives 2-hour-long scooter lessons in Canggu for only about USD 18!
He is a photographer by profession and does this as a side hustle. Having learned to ride a bicycle when he was 7 and a scooter when he was 15, he really knows his stuff!
How to Book a Scooter Lesson
Booking can be made on Airbnb app/website or by using the form above. If you don’t have an account yet, you can register through this link here to get a special discount on your first booking.
The lesson is available every day except Fridays because of Friday prayers. But Dio’s time is pretty flexible, so if you can’t find your preferred time slot, you can contact him to make a special request. You can also add extra hours for Rp50k (USD 3.60) per hour.
Alternatively, you can contact Dio here:
Instagram: Bali Motorbike Lessons, Contact number: +6289630330489
What to Expect during the Scooter Lesson
Getting There
If you’re staying in Canggu, most likely Dio will pick you up himself. If you’re in Kuta, Seminyak, or other nearby regions, he will order a Grab Bike/Gojek for you.
The journey from Kuta will take about 30 minutes — on a motorbike. If you’re not used to riding a motorbike for that long, be prepared to get a stiff back. This will be a good warmup for the scooter lesson.
Safety Equipment
Throughout the lesson, you will be equipped with:
- A helmet
- Elbow pads
- Knee pads

It might feel a little ridiculous to be all decked up in the safety gear, considering that some local kids from as young as 10 years old can be seen riding a motorbike without even a shirt on. But hey, better safe than sorry.
The Lesson
The first part of the lesson will take place on an empty parking lot next to a field. You will start with an electric bike. It’s basically just like a normal bike, but electric-powered. So, instead of pedalling, you simply control the accelerator in your hand. It’s great for transitioning from a normal bicycle to a scooter.

You will go through the same obstacle course, first on your own and then with him sitting at the back. If you’re a total beginner, he will let you ride pillion first and watch him demonstrate.
Once you have passed that initial stage, he will take you to an empty road where you will apply all the skills you have learned, as well as some basic knowledge of the traffic rules. By ’empty’, he means relatively less traffic than the other roads in the city. It will take you past rice fields and the countryside.
If I wasn’t so nervous, I think I would have really enjoyed the scenery. The whole route is pretty straight with only about 5 junctions where you need to turn (all of which I failed miserably). It should take you around 20 minutes, depending on how fast you go.
After the lesson, Dio will order a Gojek to send you back to your hotel.

Things You Need to Know About the Scooter Lesson
- This is a scooter lesson, not a motorbike lesson. Yup, for the uninitiated, those two are different. Motorbikes are faster and heavier. They have a clutch and multiple gears. With a scooter, you only need to learn how to start, accelerate, brake, and steer. Do not expect to be able to drive a motorcycle upon completion of this lesson.
- This scooter lesson is suitable for total beginners, but it would help tremendously if you already know how to ride a bicycle. If you have experience cycling on busy roads, that’s even better. Surprisingly, there are people joining this class who have never been on a bicycle!
- Bali can be really hot. Bring sunscreen or a lightweight jacket/scarf to cover yourself from the sun. I went in January, which was supposed to be the rainy season, but it was about 35 degrees Celsius with not even a drop of rain during my entire stay.
- No matter how good you are, accidents can happen to anyone at any time. Make sure you have a travel insurance. And make sure that your travel insurance covers motorcycle accidents. Some companies only cover you if you’re riding as a pillion rider, not as a driver, so always check the fine print. Check out World Nomads for the most comprehensive travel insurance in the market.
Final Thoughts on Learning to Drive a Scooter in Bali
Let me be frank — I’m not the easiest person to teach. But Dio was very patient. What I like the most about the class was how prepared he was for slow learners like me (with the electric bike, safety gear and everything).
I’m proud to say that at the end of the lesson, I was comfortable enough to drive the scooter on a straight road for about 20 minutes — while carrying a rider behind me. But I will definitely need more practice before I would be confident enough to actually rent a scooter in Bali.
For now, the fact that I got through the 2 hours without getting anyone killed was enough of an achievement.
Do you know how to ride a scooter? If yes, where did you learn it and what was the experience like? Comment below.
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naik scooter senang je dari motorsikal. Belajar dulu dengan parents lepastu dah pandai bawa sendiri tapi sekarang dah tak guna dah hehe
Untung la Farhana, dapat belajar dgn parents. Kalau melancong ke mana2, senang, boleh sewa skuter.
i know how to ride scooter, cause i have one sebelum beli kereta. and yes scooter ni takleh bawak laju haha. never think of taking a lesson in other country. best gak kan if include in itinerary
Untuk yg tak pernah bawa scooter sesuai la ambil kelas ni, Bae. Ataupun yang dah lama tak bwk n nak refresh skill balik. Biasa kalau nak belajar, kena ambil kelas formal kat sekolah memandu kan. Jarang jumpa kelas yg informal mcm ni.
I know how to ride a bike and motorbike – but I don’t have a motorbike license. Haha
But now, I only dare to ride bike in the housing area
Then maybe you can try renting a motorbike or scooter when you go to Bali, Rawlins. Beware though, the traffic rules may not be the same as what we’re used to.
Wah sempat you belajar scooter kat sana.. bestnya. sebenarnya i br tahu kita boleh belajar. Tapi secara peribadi i takut bawa kenderaan klu berada bukan di negara phobia
Memang betul, Ayu. Sebab kita tak biasa dengan undang2 jalan raya dan cara pemanduan orang kat sana, kan. Kalau di negara2 yang patuh undang2 jalan raya ok juga, kalau di Indonesia ni, hmm, seram sikit. Tapi seronok tengok pelancong2 mat saleh. Diorang redah je.
Pernah belajar bawa motor tapi jatuh bukit dan motor kawan tu rosak teruk. Terus fobia nak bawa motor dah huhu
Oh.. saya pun pernah jatuh motor jugak, orang lain bawak. Memang fobia tu masih ada. Hopefully, satu hari nanti kita sama-sama la dapat atasi fobia tu, ya.
Hahaha Sis kan, motor biasa tak tau bawak, tapi jenis scooter, picit terus jalan gini Sis boleh bawa. Bagus betul siap ada belajar bawak ekk.. tapi kena hati-hati, negara sana memang orangnya bawa motor ke kereta ke tak tengok orang adeiii bikin copot jantung…
OK la tu, sis, at least tau la jugak bawa scooter. Jangan macam saya ni, bawa basikal pun goyang2 lagi. Haha. Nak drive di Indonesia memang kena hati-hati dan banyak practice.
Very convenient if we can bawa scooter or motorbike or even ride bicycle kan if travel here in SEA… Need to learn this skill la..
Yes, we definitely should, Kitkat. I still need a lot of practice myself. Renting a scooter is a really convenient way to get around in SEA, a much cheaper option than hiring a car or a driver.
Wahhhhh bawa scooter lak kat Bali hehehe bestnya kita nak juga lah cuba bawa kat sana sebab lepas PKP ni I nak travel meraka rindu sangat jalan-jalan ni…
Cuba, Maha, jangan tak cuba. Tapi kena hati-hati ya kalau tak biasa drive di Indonesia. Jangan lupa travel insurance 😉
it’s a must to get around bali in a scooter and this lesson is super useful! great for first time visitors to the island
Totally agree, Grace. What I like best about this particular lesson apart from its affordable fee is the flexible schedule. Also, the instructor arranges the transportation to and from your accommodation.
that sounds adventurous at Bali. I only took private ride last time when travel to Bali. should try this out if I happen to visit Bali again
Do save this info for future reference, Rane. I think lessons like this are hard to come by. 🙂
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Very recommend Canggu Scooter Lessons
Cool, thank you for the recommendation! 🙂
Hi Ummi, really enjoyed your informative post. I’m planning a trip to Canggu, Bali and thinking of taking scooter lessons; do you mind sharing Dio’s contact for booking?
Many thanks in advance!
Hi, Rita. Here you go: +6289630330489
Hi Ummi, thank you for your post! Unfortunately the link above is broken. Could you please tell me how to contact Ronaldio (Dio) please? I have a scooter licence but have not driven for many years so just want to get a refresher lesson please.
Hi, Jen! Thank you for alerting me about the broken link. I’ve updated Dio’s contact details in the article. 🙂
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