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Essential Skills for First Time Solo Travelers
If you’re new to traveling, you might be wondering if there’s any special knowledge you should equip yourself with in order to become pro travelers. Here, I have compiled for you a list of essential skills that every traveler should have.
It doesn’t mean that you can’t be a proper traveler if you don’t have any of these skills, but I think they would greatly enhance your travel experience.
Table of Contents
#1 Swimming
If you go to a beach destination without knowing how to swim, your options become very limited. You can either sunbathe or soak in the water where it is only knee deep. Anything deeper than that, and you’d fear for your life. You can’t go snorkeling or scuba-diving, or stand-up paddling, or kayaking, or a host of other water activities, because you’re constantly scared of drowning.
I’m speaking from experience because I only learned to swim when I was 26. Sure, you can wear a life vest. But when you don’t know how to swim, you can never be able to relax enough to actually enjoy the experience. Imagine going to places like the Maldives and not being able to swim. What a shame it would be not to see the marine life it’s so famous for.
Related Post: Can You Scuba Dive if You Can’t Swim?
#2 Riding A Scooter / Motorbike
Many Asian countries actually favor motorbikes/scooters over cars. If you travel to countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, and Cambodia, you’ll soon realize how inconvenient it is to not know how to ride one.
Not all of the tourist attractions are easily accessible by walking or public transportation, leaving you with no other option than to rent a car or hire a driver, both of which are going to cost you a lot more than necessary, especially if you travel alone and can’t split the cost with others.
In my recent trip to Wae Rebo, for example, I had to pay Rp400,000 to hire an ojek (motorcycle taxi) driver, when I could have paid only a quarter of that amount if I knew how to drive it myself. So, yeah, I’m one of the few Asians who can’t ride a motorbike. I’m such a hopeless Asian.
Related Post: Taking Scooter Lessons in Bali
#3 Dealing with Conversions
When you travel abroad, you’ll be dealing with a lot of numbers and conversions. Firstly, there will be the foreign currencies that you have to familiarize yourself with.
It may not be that complicated with euros and dollars, but when you go to countries like Indonesia, for example, you’ll be dealing with five to six digits on one piece of bank note. That’s a lot of numbers to count! You need to be able to do these calculations in your head, so as not to get cheated when you change money or buy something.
Secondly, don’t forget the time difference. The departure and arrival times of your flight may follow different time zones. You don’t want to miss your flight because of a silly mistake like that (again, speaking from experience).
Thirdly, for Americans, you will have to get used to the metric system. So, try to familiarize yourself with all of these before you go.
#4 Basic Survival Skills
If you’re going hiking, be it on a day trip or on a multi-day hike, this is a no-brainer. Obviously, you need to know how to pitch a tent and how to find your way around (using a compass, GPS, a map, etc). But apart from that, you should also be prepared for the worst-case scenarios.
Even if you go in a group, no one is free from the risk of getting lost, being caught in bad weather, or being separated from the group. So, you should definitely learn some basic survival skills, such as how to start a fire, how to look for water and food, and how to increase your chances of being found if you’re lost.
If you’ve spent most of your childhood outdoors, then you probably already know these skills. Otherwise, check out local hiking groups in your area, and see if they organize any workshops where you can learn them.
Related Post: Basic Outdoor Survival Skills You Need to Know Before You Go Camping
#5 First-Aid
First-aid skills are not only for paramedics. Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, and to anyone — if not to you, then to someone near you, and you’d want to always be ready to act. If you’re traveling alone, this is especially important, even if you don’t think you’re going to do any high-risk activity. What if you accidentally choke on your food when you’re eating alone in your hotel room? Do you know how to do the Heimlich maneuver on yourself?
Companies usually provide free first-aid classes for their employees. But if you haven’t attended one already, don’t wait for your boss to organize it for you. There are organizations out there that provide these classes for the public, sometimes for free.
#6 Self-Defense
I hope you will never have to use this skill, but if you do find yourself in a tricky situation, it could save your life. You don’t have to be a black-belt grandmaster in any martial art. It would suffice for you to know what to do if attacked and the sensitive points you should aim at to maximize damage on your attacker.
In any case, self-defense skills will naturally train you to think faster on your feet and be more alert and aware of your surroundings. So, in the long run, it will benefit you in other aspects of your life as well.
#7 Haggling
In many places in the world, haggling is considered the norm. The first price that anyone quotes you is never the price you should be paying. This applies not only to goods sold in the markets, but also accommodation, tour packages, and taxi rides.
So, if you want to be a savvy traveler who doesn’t get ripped off all the time, this is a must-have skill. Don’t worry if you’re not good at it the first time — it’s an art that you will hone with practice.
Personally though, I totally suck at haggling. I’m an introvert who’s slightly social phobic. Haggling is just too much social interaction for me. Besides, it makes me feel guilty, as though I’m the one trying to extort the seller. So, as much as I can, I try to shop at places with fixed prices and instead of taking taxis/tuktuks, I stick to buses or e-hailing apps where haggling is not necessary.
#8 Using Different Types of Toilets
The first image that comes to your mind is probably that of the dreaded squat toilet, also known as the Asian toilet. True, it might take some time to get used to the squatting position. First, you need to learn how to balance yourself and how not to make a mess. Believe me, I still struggle with this (like I said, I’m a hopeless Asian).
And next, you need to learn how to wash yourself because most of these toilets do not come with toilet paper. Instead, there will probably be a water hose or a bucket of water, with which you’re supposed to wash yourself and also flush the toilet.
For Asians traveling to the West, however, this problem is reversed. We have to get used to ‘dry cleaning’ ourselves. I remember when I first traveled to Europe, I had to use so much toilet paper before I felt clean enough. Sometimes, I even had to carry a water bottle with me just so I would have some water to clean myself with. Also, some Asians do not feel comfortable sitting on the toilet seat. Instead they prefer squatting on it. That’s why you might see this sign in some restrooms in Asia:
Related Post: The Traveler’s Guide to Toilets Around the World
#9 Eating Like the Locals
Because I consider myself a foodie, most of my travels usually revolve around food. Trying different types of local food is usually the topmost item on my to-do list. And I prefer doing it the way the locals do. That means, if the locals like to eat their breakfast standing on the sidewalk, that’s what I will do too. This adds to the authenticity of the experience and, I think, makes it more fun.
In Malaysia and many other Asian countries, we prefer eating rice with our fingers. To us, it just doesn’t taste the same with fork and spoon. Try it for yourself. It’s a skill that, if mastered, will surely impress the locals. Similarly, I learned to use the chopsticks when I started traveling solo around Asia. It definitely allowed me to enjoy the food better.
#10 Learning the Local Language
Most people in the service industry can speak at least some English. This includes hostel staff, restaurant workers, taxi drivers, and tour agents. So, if you can only speak English, chances are you’d still be able to get by. However, at some point, and especially if you travel independently without a tour guide, you’re going to come across someone who doesn’t speak your language. Just learn a few basic words like ‘hello’, ‘thank you’, ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘what’s your name’. It can go a long way.
When I walked 240 kilometers from Portugal to Spain, I frequently crossed paths with the local villagers who mostly spoke zero English. Some kept their heads down, while some looked at me warily — perhaps because of my skin color (I didn’t see many other Asians around). But the moment I greeted them with a “Bom dia” (good morning), suddenly they were all smiles! It was amazing to see what a big difference a simple gesture could make.
#11 Reading Maps
You might think that this is an obsolete skill to learn, considering the smartphone technology we now have. However, you might find yourself in a situation where you wish you knew how to read a map, for example, when there is no GPS coverage, or when your battery is dead, or when you’re without a phone.
When I lost my phone in Latvia, I realized that I had been relying so much on gadgets that I had forgotten how to do basic stuff like reading a map.
#12 Making Friends with Strangers
If reading maps fails, you’re going to have to ask strangers for direction. I know that this can be daunting. As children, we were always told not to talk to strangers. And so, as adults, we continue to feel this general distrust towards people we don’t know. The most difficult part is probably trying to figure out which one of them you can trust.
But when you travel alone, it’s impossible not to talk to anyone. Everyone around you is a stranger, from the people you meet at your hostel to the people selling you bus tickets to the people sitting next to you on the plane. If you choose not to talk to any stranger, it’s going to be one very long and lonely trip.
So, despite my social inhibitions, I try as much as I can to connect with the locals and other travelers. Out of the many hundreds of strangers I met and talked to, perhaps only one or two of them gave me bad experiences. The rest of them simply blew me away with their generosity and kindness. Some of them remain friends with me to this day.
Do you have all of the skills listed above? It’s okay if you don’t. Just because you can’t ride a motorbike, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t book that flight ticket now. In fact, I’m still struggling with some of them, and I still manage to get by. Sometimes, you just learn them as you go. Happy travels!
Thank Q for sharing so many essential skills here . Yang No 5 tu baru Sal tahu dan teruja jugak untuk mendalami lebih lanjut.
Yg no 5 tu penting bukan untuk travel saja, tapi untuk kehidupan seharian. Nanti cuba google kat mana ada disediakan training percuma. Yg ni saya join kat Shah Alam.
I am so eager to go on holiday! But the pandemic is crazy, hopefully, it will be better, so all of us can go to travel again.
Me too. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that we’ll get to travel again soon. 🙂
Once traveller memang kena ada semua basic skill ni kan. Kena adapt ikut suasana dan kawasan. Memang tips yang bagus.
Ya, terutamanya bagi yang travel solo, memang perlu mahir semua ni. Tapi saya sendiri pun masih belajar sebenarnya. 🙂
I know how to read maps a little bit cause I traveled a lot with my familt since I was a little girl and no gadget. We only have maps at the time.
Good for you. That’s a very useful skill to have even with all the technology at our disposal. 👍🏽
terbaiklah untuk senarai ni. tapi saya di no 1 pun dah fail hehe. tak reti berenang. yang lain2 tu in shaa Allah boleh 🙂
Wow, 11 out of 12 dah kira bagus la tu. Masih belum terlewat untuk belajar berenang. Sekarang ni byk je kelas untuk orang dewasa. Saya pun mula belajar masa umur lewat 20an.
Wow…. i love reading this post ! Tak sabar nak travel huhuhu. Tolong abis cepat covid19
Saya pun. Sama2 la kita lakukan apa yang patut untuk tamatkan riwayat Covid-19.
Banyaknya tip berguna yang ummi share. Moga 1 hari nanti sisyat dipermudahkan utk merasai travel mcm ummi 😊
Semoga dipermudah, Sisyat. Nanti boleh la refer balik kat blog saya untuk dapatkan tips2 travel 😊
Perkongsian yang menarik ni. Ya, kemahiran asas yang patut traveler tahu, lebih-lebih lagi wanita. Barulah selesa berada di tempat orang kan.
Betul tu, dan sekalipun kita tak travel, rasanya kemahiran2 ni masih perlu dipelajari. Satu masa nanti pasti berguna. 🙂
Good tips utk traveller. Baca map memang sangat penting pulak2 bila pergi ke negara yg betul2 asing yg penduduknya x leh betkomunikasi guna english
Betul sangat2. Walaupun sekarang teknologi membolehkan kita guna gps dan waze, tapi kita tak boleh terlalu bergantung sgt. Ada masanya mungkin kita terpaksa baca map secara manual.
No 1 & 2 tu i faliled..hahahaha basikal okay, tapo motor tak mahir, boleh bawa tapi takde lesen hahahaha… lain-lain boleh pandai bawa diri dan sendiri mau ingat jee hehehe
Oh, at least boleh la jugak bwk walaupun takde lesen. Saya langsung tak boleh. Terus masuk longkang.
Yes, indeed all the tips you mentioned really useful for every traveler… But I’m lacking of the 2nd skill 😛 but luckily my travel buddy can!
Haha good for you. Then you can each use your different sets of skills to help each other. As a solo traveler I have to learn to depend on myself 😆
wah.. lihat pada aktiviti dan pengalaman sis dalam entri ni menampakkan sis ni memang seorang yang aktif dan berpandangan luas ni.. banyak tempat dah pi, banyak aktiviti sis join dan siap share tips2 lagi tu.. tahniah .. ! thank you juga sebab share tips2 semoga bermanfaat untuk semua yang membaca..
Terima kasih! Semoga tips2 yang saya share di sini bermanfaat untuk anda. ☺️
Item no 2 an 3 I sangat agree memang kita kena tahu tentang tu pertukaran mata wang dan juga kemahiran travel terutama travel luar negara yang kita tak pernah pergi dan juga agak sukar dapatkan kemudahan hurmmmm bagus lah info ni sangat berguna thank share…
You’re welcome, Maha. Skill2 ni semua mmg sangat perlu, terutamanya untuk yang travel solo, sebab semua kena buat sendiri, takleh bergantung pada orang lain.
Pingback:Basic Outdoor Survival Skills You Should Know Before You Go Camping – Ummi Goes Where?
Pingback:12 Kemahiran Yang Perlu Ada Pada Setiap ‘Traveler’ – Ummi Goes Where?
I am terrible at reading maps – I’ve become so reliant on GPS but reading this has taught me that being able to read a map is still relevant especially for travellers!
Oh yes, it still is, Erika. I had to learn it the hard way when I lost my phone while traveling solo!