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What is Klook and why you should use Klook

What is Klook? Is it Legit or a Scam?

If you’ve read my other posts, you might have noticed the name ‘KLOOK‘ popping up several times. If you don’t know what it is, it’s about time that you do!

KLOOK is something that I think all independent travelers out there should have, especially if they love discounts. Who doesn’t, right?

It has literally saved me hundreds of dollars in travel expenses. And in this article, I’m going to share with you how.

For the record, this is not a sponsored post. However, it does contain affiliate links, which means that I will earn a small commission if you purchase using the links at no extra cost to you. This allows me to keep this blog alive and continue sharing travel tips with you! I only recommend products and services that I would personally use or have had positive personal experiences with.

I’m sure you have used apps to book hotels, flight tickets, movie tickets, delivery services, car rides, and a bunch of other stuff before. Pretty much everything can be booked online these days — all you have to do is download the necessary apps.

KLOOK is one of those booking apps, but it focuses on travel-related services. On KLOOK, you can book tours, entrance tickets, airport transfers, local SIM cards, and many other travel services at great prices.

If you’re wondering what the name means, it actually came from the words “keep looking” — which is exactly what their team aims to do: to keep looking for the best travel deals for you! At the same time, they’re also encouraging you to keep exploring the world and to keep expanding your horizons.

Founded in Hong Kong in 2014, KLOOK became the world’s most-searched travel activity platform within just a few years. It now operates in over 70 countries across 6 continents.

Klook destinations
Destinations available on KLOOK.

What Kind of Services are Offered on KLOOK?

Although KLOOK started out by offering only city tours and activities, they have now expanded far beyond that. These are some of the other services available:

  • Entrance tickets
  • Railway passes
  • Bus and ferry tickets
  • Car, scooter, and motorbike rentals
  • Hotel bookings
  • Restaurant bookings, vouchers, and packages
  • Spa & massage bookings
  • SIM cards & portable WiFi
  • Travel gear rentals
  • Free travel guide and itinerary suggestions

So, whether you’re looking for a skip-the-queue ticket to the Eiffel Tower, a scenic helicopter ride over Cape Town, a full-body spa treatment in Bali, a Northern Lights tour in Iceland, or a railway pass that covers the whole of Japan, you can be sure that KLOOK has it all.

Klook activities and services
Services offered on KLOOK.

And the following are some of the activities that I have personally tried. Feel free to click on each one to read my full reviews.

The Benefits of Using KLOOK

  • Handpicked experiences. Every day, KLOOK experts from all over the world work hard to uncover and curate the best travel experiences for you. So, apart from the usual sightseeing tours, you will also discover something out of the ordinary, like this ghost tour in Adelaide Prison, or this ninja workshop in Osaka.
  • Best prices guaranteed. As the official partner of top attractions and operators worldwide, KLOOK ensures that you get the best deals for your bookings — sometimes up to 60% off retail prices! In fact, if you find a better deal elsewhere, they will refund you the difference.
  • Trusted service. With millions of verified user reviews, you can count on getting honest, unfiltered feedback about a particular service before you book. Most users also upload photos in their reviews, giving you an even clearer idea of what to expect.
Klook review
User’s photos to accompany their reviews.
  • Seamless booking. The platform’s easy-to-use app and strict security measure ensures that you have a seamless and secure booking experience. You can book anytime, anywhere using KLOOK website or app.
  • Most of the activities and tickets provide instant confirmation — no printed tickets required. What this means is that if you happen to go to a tourist attraction and find that the queue is too long, you can immediately book an express ticket on your KLOOK app and skip the queue. How nifty is that?
  • Credit accumulation. This is probably my favorite thing about KLOOK. Not only do you get great discounts on every booking, you also get to earn credits from them. And credits mean $$! Ka-ching!
  • Referral program. Another way to make money on KLOOK is by inviting your friends to join. After your friend signs up and completes an activity, you will get a RM13.10 (USD 3.20) reward, which you can then use to pay for your next booking. Your friend also gets the same amount as a new member.

So! If you’re ready to join in the fun and get RM13.10 (USD 3.20) off your first booking, click on this >> link << to sign up, or use my referral code: FFKSC

KLOOK Credit

– How do you earn KLOOK credits?

Getting discounts on bookings is one thing, but getting credits on top of that is quite another. And they’re super easy to earn! You can earn KLOOK credits by:

  • Completing an activity on KLOOK. When you complete an activity on KLOOK, you will receive 1% – 5% of the activity price in KLOOK credits. So, the more expensive the activity, the more credit you will get. The credits will appear in your KLOOK account 2 days after you complete the activity.
  • Leaving a review. After completing any KLOOK activity, you will be invited to leave a review. Each review (with photos) can earn you 80 credits, which will appear in your account immediately. But make sure that the photos you upload are relevant to the activity and not just some random selfies!

As a guideline, 10 credits = 1 Hong Kong Dollar, so for each review that you write, you’ll get HKD 8 (approximately USD 1 / MYR 4). That’s a good amount of money for such a simple task!

Now imagine completing 10 activities and writing 10 reviews, and combine that with rewards you earn from inviting your friends…

– How do you use KLOOK credits?

When you have collected at least 10 credits, you can choose to use them to pay for your next booking with KLOOK. So, the more things you do on KLOOK, the more cashbacks you will get, which will allow you to do more activities.

Your friends are going to wonder how you get so much money to do all these interesting tours abroad.

Is KLOOK Legit?

KLOOK is an established platform in Asia, but it has only recently started to pave its way in the Western Hemisphere. It’s understandable to be wary of something you’ve never heard of before, especially if it sounds too good to be true.

Well, having used it so many times over the past few years, I can assure you that it is. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with them so far.

But if you don’t want to take my word for it, you can read what travel bloggers Alyse of The Invisible Tourist and Flo of Yoga Wine Travel have to say about it.

Still not convinced? How about these news articles on Forbes, CNBC, and Bloomberg?

Or maybe this photo of me in Nusa Penida would do the trick. To get there, I took a fast boat from Bali, booked on KLOOK.

Nusa Penida Broken Beach
Wish you were here!

Is KLOOK Safe to Use?

Secure Transactions

As far as payment transactions go, KLOOK is safe to use, as it employs secure third-party payment gateways to process your payment. If you choose to save your card information, your payment card details will be encrypted and stored securely within their payment gateways.

You can pay by credit/debit card (VISA, MasterCard, and American Express), PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Alipay, and WeChat Pay, subject to availability in your selected currency or region.

Cancellation Policies

KLOOK is very upfront about their cancellation policies. Each activity states clearly on its booking page whether there is free cancellation, conditional cancellation, or no cancellation allowed.

If you have any questions or disputes regarding your refunds, you can always reach Klook via live chat and let them assist you.

Klook cancellation policy
The cancellation policy is clearly stated on each activity booking page.

Everything sounds good so far…

BUT! (Yes, there’s always a but).

Do keep in mind that Klook is only a booking platform, and as such, does not actually operate the tours. The tours are run by third-party tour companies that have listed their services on KLOOK — just the same way that and Agoda only offer hotel-booking services and don’t actually own or run those hotels. 

So, make sure you read reviews very carefully and see what previous customers have had to say about the activity before you make your booking.

How to Use KLOOK

You can use KLOOK either via desktop or via their mobile app (available for both Android and iOS), but I recommend downloading the app, as it sometimes has special promotions that are not available on the desktop version. Besides, you will often have to show the QR code to the tour operator as a confirmation of your booking, and this is easier done with the app.

Once you have downloaded and installed the KLOOK app, you are free to browse travel experiences by destination, or simply filter through the various categories. But to make a booking, you will have to create an account.

Klook mobile
Klook mobile app
Klook explore
Exploring by destination.

When browsing through the activities, look out for the “Instant Confirmation” lightning bolt next to the activity price.

Klook lightning bolt
Instant Confirmation lightning bolt.

This symbol means that you will receive your booking voucher via e-mail or the KLOOK app within 5 minutes after completing the payment, which is especially useful when you want to buy entrance tickets on the spot to skip the queue.

You can check the Bookings tab to see your current and past bookings. To get the QR code, click on “View Voucher”.

Klook booking
My bookings.

And that’s it! It’s that simple. You can then start earning credits through your completed activities, reviews, and referrals.

Final Thoughts on KLOOK Travel App

Since I first downloaded this app, KLOOK has been nothing but amazing. It introduces me to destinations and activities that I wouldn’t have heard of otherwise, and lets me save a lot of money in the process.

Just make sure that you have read the reviews carefully and don’t forget to leave your own reviews to help other travelers make their decisions.

KLOOK is a fantastic travel-booking app that every traveler should have. Now that we’re unable to travel internationally, perhaps you could download the app and see if there are any great deals in your own neighborhood. I found a few in my hometown that I’d love to try:

For those of you who are currently in Malaysia or planning to visit in the near future, I have a little something for you:

Use Promo Code:

PENANG50 to get RM50 off all Penang activities,
with a minimum spend of RM150 (limited to the first 3,000 bookings).
PENANG100 to get RM100 off all Penang activities,
with a minimum spend of RM300 (limited to the first 2,000 bookings).
*Redeem by 31st May 2021.

Ready to join in the fun and get RM13.10 (USD 3.20) off your first booking?

Click on this >> link << to sign up, or use my referral code: FFKSC
Posted in Travel Tips

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  2. Hannah

    Klook looks like such an awesome app for planning and booking travel experiences and tours. It looks like you’ve enjoyed some great experiences through it! I’m definitely going to look into it for my next trip. Thanks for the great guide!

    • ummi

      You’re welcome, Hannah. And you can also check whether it’s available in your own city. I’ve joined some interesting tours and workshops in my hometown that I wouldn’t have known about otherwise. It’s perfect for those who are unable to travel at the moment. 🙂

    • ummi

      Yes, you should Krista! Klook is gaining popularity fast in the West, with so many destinations in Europe and the US. I hope it will still continue giving the same great rewards even when there are more people using it.

    • ummi

      Sure, or you can use it in Malaysia too, Khai. There are a lot of interesting tours and workshops, as well as cheaper entrance fees to local attractions 🙂

      • Nina Mirza

        Pertama kali tahu tentang Klook ini. So far tengok ianya menarik dan amat membantu pengguna. Nanti nak tengok dan explore lebih lagi pasal Klook ini. Bagus Ummi selalu share perkara yang menarik DNA bermanfaat. Jeles laaa tengok your gambar! Semua best²

        • ummi

          Thanks, Nina. Memang berbaloi download Klook ni sebab bukan je boleh guna masa melancong ke luar negara, tapi boleh guna di dalam negara juga. Contohnya kalau hujung2 minggu nak bawa anak2 pergi ke taman tema ke, boleh dapat diskaun dan kumpul point. Nanti boleh la join guna link atau referral code saya, ya. 🙂

    • ummi

      Wah, ada perancangan nak naik hot air balloon kat Cappadocia ke? Ok, nanti guna la app ni ya, Farhana, dan jangan lupa masukkan referral code tu. Cuba Farhana usha sekali apa aktiviti yang ada kat Selangor. Rasanya ada banyak juga.

  3. Sis Lin

    Yaaa betul Ummi, Mostly mana yang Sis travel luar negara, semua kawan Sis beli dulu dr Klook ni, banyak jauh beza murahnya..,dan mudah.. Sis pun kena belajar gak guna Klook ni.. sebab biasa semua kawan yang urus..

    • ummi

      Haa, sekarang sis dah tau, boleh la download app ni dan book sendiri. Betul apa yang sis cakap tu, murah dan mudah. Bukan saja boleh guna semasa travel luar negara, tapi juga boleh guna untuk discover tempat-tempat menarik dalam negara sendiri. 🙂

    • ummi

      Haha, you’re welcome, Kak Su. Now that you know what it is, maybe you’d like to give it a try? There’s so much to do even in our own neighborhood. 🙂

  4. Kitkat Nelfei

    This is my favorite apps when I travel around.. So convenient and many attractive deals right.. I just realize about the Klook credit… i need to do it now.. every review can earn 80 credits wor.. thanks for sharing this..

    • ummi

      That’s right, Nik! In Asia, this app is very well-known, but in the west, it’s still an undiscovered gem. I hope it will continue giving us great deals. 🙂

    • ummi

      You should, Marina. Sama ada travel dalam negara atau luar negara, memang jimat guna Klook ni. Kalau pergi beramai2 dengan keluarga, lagi banyak penjimatan.

    • ummi

      Nanti boleh la download ya, Aimi. Jangan lupa guna referral code tu. App ni bagus bukan untuk travel oversea je. Tapi untuk staycation dalam negara juga. Nak bawak anak2 pergi muzium ke, Aquaria ke, boleh dapat diskaun dan kumpul point sekali.

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    • ummi

      You definitely should, Jenny! There are lots of activities in there that your daughter may find interesting, and you can get discounts on entrance fees to zoos and theme parks too.

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  23. Andrea Pflanzkübel

    he way you’ve highlighted the convenience, variety, and cost-saving potential of using Klook is particularly convincing. As someone who loves exploring new destinations, your article has convinced me that Klook is a valuable tool to have in my travel planning toolkit. Thank you for shedding light on this platform and sharing your expertise with fellow travelers!

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